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Mama in the Candlelight is the 2nd book in my PARADOX collection.


Readers may unexpectedly find this book is not about motherhood, but about the contemporary silhouette of commonly stirring anxiety transmitted between generations in Chinese community. With the unique legacy of turbulent years, my narration starts from the intriguing but true story of bloody killing by the cold violence fermented from unbalanced ego and irrational discrimination. Particularly, in this true story, my parents are the two opposite protagonists.


On the tenth anniversary of Father’s passing away into the immortal world, I wrote out openly to the world, of all these controversial memories from my own childhood to the growth of my daughter. I want to express my gratitude to my father for his guidance and care towards me all the time, while he was alive and now in the eternity. I am grateful that I can finally be able to realize the endless spiritual heritage of Father’s unconditional love for family and to all the people around us. For the adversities we are, in fact, experiencing together, it is not my intention to blame anyone, or my mother, or the era, or the society.


I dedicate this book to Father’s soul in heaven, wishing the

faith he stuck to his whole life, that the truth, goodness, and beauty

can prevail in everyone’s heart again, as once they were,

somewhere in our tradition and history.


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2nd Version - Mama in the Candlelight: Transmitted trauma between generations

  • If you are interested in full scope of my reflection in the related fields of spirituality, religious discussion, the turbulent trauma transmitted among generations in China, and my successful transcendence on my holistic health and life, please find more in my full collection, PARADOX:

    • The Battle
    • Besiege
    • Mama in the Candlelight
    • Balance
    • The Invisible Power
    • And PARADOX – The compilation


  • I was born in a family with a health history of schizophrenia and was suffered from diagnosis murder by my narcissistic ex-husband ten years ago. After being poisoned by psychiatric medication, I clawed my way to get out of the nightmare.

    Now I am a Certified Specialist of Hypnosis and Grief Recovery, Certified Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, and Writer.

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