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BESIEGE is the 1st book in my PARADOX collection.




In this book, I document the true story of my life besieged by the narcissists both at my workplace and in my relationships. There were several paranormal events that linked the battles together. However, as an atheist with severe insecurity deeply rooted in my bones, I was used to ignoring my intuition and the things that had no physical proof.

In the past, I was living in three dimensions: one was the lies of the narcissists, one was the guidance from the universe, and the another was my own perception of this world. I couldn’t resolve the conflicts between them. I got sick with severe sleep deprivation and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I could only understand and balance my life when I found faith.
This book focuses on the details of the menticides of narcissists; how they drove by desire and vanity; how they conduct their lies and manipulation; and how they destroyed the life of my daughter and mine. At the end of my narration, I also extend several discussions about narcissism which you may find intriguing:

  • Mindset brewed from nurturing
  • The PARADOX of the Chinese form of faith
  • Why spiritual power should be acknowledged in a greater scope
  • The cycle of eternal soul vs. end time narcissists
  • The inevitable Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Besiege - The Menticides of End Time Narcissism

  • If you are interested in the full scope of my reflection in the related fields of spirituality, religious discussion, deliberation on medical and legal system, the turbulent trauma transmitted among generations in China, as well as my successful transcendence of holistic health and life, please find more in my PARADOX book collection:

    • 1st Book: The Battle
    • 2nd Book: Besiege
    • 3rd Book: Mama in the Candlelight
    • 4th Book: The Invisible Power (publishing in 2024)
    • Supplemental book: Twisted (publishing in 2024)
    • And PARADOX Overcoming – The compilation (Publishing on Dec. 13th, 2022)
  • I was born in a family with a health history of schizophrenia and was suffered from diagnosis murder by my narcissistic ex-husband ten years ago. After being poisoned by psychiatric medication, I clawed my way to get out of the nightmare.


    Now I am a Certified Specialist of Hypnosis and Grief Recovery, Certified Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, and Writer.

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